The annual financial statements include the preparation of a commercial and, if applicable, a separate tax balance sheet. This also includes the explanation of recognition and valuation options and their alternatives as a basis for the taxation of a company.
For corporations, the annual financial statements must include explanatory notes. Medium-sized and large corporations must also prepare a management report. In addition, the annual financial statements must be published in the electronic Federal Gazette and submitted to important external recipients (banks, shareholders, tax authorities). The annual financial statements must also include advice on the minimum information that has to be disclosed. Moreover, the preparation of consolidated financial statements, interim financial statements or other tax-relevant calculations, such as special and supplementary balance sheets, may be part of the assignment.
When preparing annual financial statements, the auditors of SHWP always apply the regulations of the relevant professional standard of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Germany (IDW S7). The preparation of annual financial statements is based on certified software (DATEV). Complying with statutory requirements, financial statements prepared by SHWP will be retained for ten years.